Confusion #1  Am I saved by believing in Jesus without doing anything?

No.  You don’t believe Jesus if you believe that.  Jesus said we must repent to be saved. (Luke 13:1-5).  Repentance is the Greek word metanoia, which means to change your mind about sin.  It is not a work, but a change of mind.  Folks who have not changed their mind about murder, adultery, idolatry, etc. plan to continue evil. They are not saved. Matt 7:21-26; Gal 5:19-21; Rev 21:8.  Repentance is inseparable from faith in Jesus, the FIRST thing taught by John the Baptist, Jesus, and His apostles. Mark 1:4, 14-15, 2:17, 6:12; Matt 3:1-12, 4:17; 11:20-24; Acts 2:38; 3:19 If the kingdom of God/heaven permitted evil, then it would be no better than the world we live in.


Confusion #2  Works do not affect your salvation

It is true that our works alone can’t save us, because our works are imperfect before a holy God – we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.  (Rom 3:23)  We cannot EARN salvation.  We are saved by grace through faith.  But faith without works of faith is dead and will not save (James 1:22, 2:14-26).  Jesus taught we must repent, cease evil, and do good works (love God and your neighbor) to be saved.  Past sins we have repented of are forgiven, but our future deeds will show if we are continuing to do evil and serve Satan or have truly repented and now follow Jesus. John 8:34-35; Romans 6:16. Be very afraid if you willfully sin.  Heb 10:26-30; Matt 10:28


Judged by our works – the evidence of our faith (John 2:3-4; James 2:14-26)

1.       Jesus will separate the sheep from the goats based on their works.  The goats are doomed people who do not do charitable works.  Matt 25:31-46; Luke 16:19-29

2.       God will render to each one according to his deeds (eternal life or wrath) Romans 2:5-8

3.       You will be resurrected to life or condemnation based on your deeds.      John 5:28-29

4.       Only he who “does the will” of God will “enter the kingdom of heaven”. Matt 7:21; 1 Jn 2:17

5.       People who do not invest their “talents” to serve God are doomed.   Matt 25:13-30

6.       By your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.  Matt 12:37

7.       Jesus will vomit people with lukewarm works out of His mouth.  Revelation 3:15-17


Confusion #3  Verses that say believing saves

Just because a certain verse does not specifically mention all that Jesus teaches, it does not mean all that Jesus teaches can be ignored.  This is called an argument from silence, where one makes a conclusion based on what is not said.  For example, consider:

John 5:24 … he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life

Some read this verse and conclude that they are saved by merely “believing”, without doing anything, since no “doing” is mentioned in this single verse.  This is an argument from silence, since it is based on something (doing) that is not mentioned.  This verse does not mention love God, or love your neighbor, or forgive, or don’t murder, but we believe Jesus Who said these are required to be saved.  In fact, Jesus says next (5:25-29) doing good is required to be saved.


If I say “I went to college.”, you understand I did more than drive to it.  In any culture terms have a meaning.  When Jesus says “believe” to be saved, we understand from the Bible this means acting in belief of His teachings (Luke 6:46-49). If I believe stepping on the brakes will stop my car, but don’t do it, what happens?  What if I don’t put the brakes on sin?  Many Bible promises are conditional on obeying God, including salvation (Matt 7:21; John 15:6-14).  Certain Jews believed Jesus, but were not saved, because of their lack of action (John 12:42-43).  Demons believe the gospel, but are they saved?  (Acts 16:16-18)


Confusion #4  Jesus did it all, so I can’t add anything

Jesus did everything necessary to atone for our sins, but not everyone in the world is saved.  Why not?  We have to do our part – comply with God’s terms.  You have to put your faith in Jesus to be saved, and He requires men to repent, be baptized, and live righteously.  He does not do that for you.  Remission of sins and the Holy Spirit are only promised to those who repent and are baptized (Acts 2:38, 22:16).  We can then be led by the Spirit. Rom 8:12-14; Gal 5:18-21. To say all unbaptized are lost is an argument from silence, but we must obey if we can. Luke 7:30; Matthew 7:21






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